Opsite Post-Op Dressing

SKU: SNU 66000708

Size: 6.5 cm x 5 cm
Sale price$84.99


As an expert in wound care, trust in our OPSITE POST-OP dressing. Transparent and waterproof, it features an absorbent pad for low to moderate exudate wounds, such as abrasions, post-operative wounds, minor burns, cuts, and lacerations. Plus, it's latex free for added safety.

SKU Size Unit Measurement
SNU 66000708 6.5 cm x 5 cm Box/100 Each
SNU 66000709 9.5 cm x 8.5 cm Box/20 Each
SNU 66000712 15.5 cm x 8.5 cm Box/20 Each
SNU 66000714 25 cm x 10 cm Box/20 Each
SNU 66000716 35 cm x 10 cm Box/20 Each