Occian® Back

SKU: ACB-100

Available sizes: Universal
Sale price$167.71


Product description

The Occian Back is designed exclusively for the specialised needs of the multi-system trauma patient in the ICU. Universally sized, specifically engineered and designed with advanced, Intuitech™ pressure-relieving memory foam, the Occian Back helps caregivers manage c-spine patients who are at high risk of occipital breakdown.

Key features

  • Intuitech pressure relieving memory foam virtually eliminates occipital breakdown.
  • Maintains C spine stability.
  • Provides unique pressure-relieving comfort by replacing the back section of a Miami J Collar.
  • Clinically proven to virtually eliminate occipital breakdown without sacrificing c-spine stability.
  • Easy to clean.
  • X-ray and CT lucent, MR safe.


- Patients not awake and alert within 24 – 48 hours after admission - Patients with pre-existing skin injuries and/or lacerations to the head/neck - Burn patients who must wear a collar - Elective surgery patients desiring night time post-operative comfort - Patients who remain in a supine position for long periods of time related to respiratory, neurological, or haemodynamic instability